Artistry Hydra-V Face Mask

I've been really satisfied with Artistry Hydra-V gel cleanser and face mask, so I was really excited when I heard that Artistry released a new product in this collection - a sheet face mask. Artistry mask contains 30 g of highly concentrated hydrating ampoule essence made up of Hyaluronic Acid and HYDRA-V™ Liposome with Norwegian Fjord Water. It instantly hydrates and refreshes your skin, giving an immediate hydration effect and long-lasting hydration effect for 8 hrs.

In the blue cardboard packaging, there are five sheet masks. Usually, you can buy sheet masks separately, one at the time, so I really like the idea of packing more masks together. On the packaging, you get all information about the product and there's also a photo tutorial how to use the mask. Artistry brand is available at for 36,25 € (Slovenian costumers). 

Artistry mask is one of the wettest sheet masks I've tried. But it's also one of the most hydrating masks. It definitely works much better for my dry skin as those masks I had to squeeze out of the packaging and put on my face with my fingers (and then wash off). 

How do I use this mask? Artistry recommends that you first clean your skin with a cleanser, which I always do. Then I use the tonic. After that, I take the mask out of the packaging, remove the fine mesh on the inner surface and place it on my face. Then I remove the larger mesh. What's amazing about this mask is the fact that it adjusts completely to your face. It has a bit small opening for eyes and lips, but that's nothing that would cause me problems. Artistry recommends to leave the mask on for 10 minutes, but I always leave it five minutes longer. I really like the hydrating and wet feeling it gives to my face when I have it on. Plus, it doesn't irritate my skin at all (some hydrating masks give me a burning feeling around my nose and on my cheeks in the first minute after application). After the removal of the mask, you should leave it for another 20 minutes so that the content of the mask absorbs into the skin better and it gives it an extra hydration. I always do that. My skin is moisturized, soft and refreshed after the usage. After 20 minutes I finish my routine with a face cream.

Using face masks is something I'm terrible at because I remember to use them very rarely, but I was really good by using Artistry masks because I remembered to put one on once a week. I don't want to comment the price because these are really not the cheapest, but I think they are amazing for people who's skin needs moisture. If you're searching a cheaper version of moisturizing sheet masks, Petra is praising Balea's Aqua Tuchmaske (I bought it because of her recommendation but still haven't tried it #badblogger). 


Paket petih mask sem dobila tudi za vas. Sicer sem se odločila, da bom tokrat organizirala malce drugačno nagradno igro. Nagrade ne bo dobila samo ena bralka, pač pa kar pet!

Kaj je vaša naloga?
1. Pod to objavo ali pa na moji Facebook strani pod objavo o tej maski pustite komentar, zakaj bi si želele preizkusiti Artistry masko
2. Sodelujejo lahko vse bralke iz Slovenije, tudi vse moje soblogerke, ki bi jih maska zanimala. 
3. Vsaka bo prejela eno masko, njena naloga pa bo, da naredi eno fotko (lahko embalaže, lahko maske na obrazu - po želji) in mi jo skupaj s kratko oceno izkušnje z masko pošlje na moj elektronski naslov 
Ker vem, da zna biti to malce tvegano, bo tista, ki bo prejela masko, vendar mi ne bo do določenega datuma poslala ocene, diskvalificirana iz vseh nadaljnjih nagradnih iger. 
4. Nagradna igra traja do ponedeljka, 28. 3. 2016.

Vsa podrobnejša navodila bodo prejele nagrajenke po mejlu. Razglašene bodo v tej objavi in na moji Facebook strani. Nagrajenke bodo izbrane z naključnim žrebom. Ocene bralk bodo objavljene v posebni objavi na tem blogu, da dobite še kakšno dodatno mnenje o tem izdelku. :) Vso srečo vsem!

EDIT: Artistry vlažilno masko bodo testirale LEA LUKIČ, TINA KRESLIN, KRISTINA, INA HYSTERIAOFDECAY in ALENKA KOVAČ. Čestitke. Prosim, če se mi javite s podatki na mejl (da vam podam še nadaljna navodila).

Do you use sheet masks? Which one is your favourite? Thank you for reading!
*PR product

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