Review and Swatches: Bourjois La Laque Nail Polishes Lycheers and Beach Violet

When a nail polish addicts get a chance to try new nail polishes even before they hit the store she of course can't say no to this offer. So, few weeks ago I got in my mail box two new Bourjois La Laque nail polishes, which I started to wear immediately and when people were saying me how gorgeous polish I wear and which one is it, I was answering like a shy teenager it’s not in the store yet. New La Laque collection is special because of a triangular bottle and 12 cream glossy and highly pigmented nail polishes. I’m proud owner of shades 7 Lycheers and 10 Beach Violet, but after seeing Tara’s and Selma’s posts I’ll probably get few shades more.

Although Bourjois nail polishes aren’t the cheapest, especially for a lady that has weak nails like me and every polish chips fast, I was always a fan of their amazing formula (check out my review of 1 Seconde nail polishes). La Laque collection is also not an exception, because both of my shades have an amazingly pigmented formula that covers the nail in one coat already. The thicker formula of a polish also means that this polish is perfect for stamping and none of the Bourjois polishes disappointed me in this matter.

Despite the thicker formula I never had a problem by application, to which probably helped a round brush as well. I’m use to applying a thinner first coat and then reaching a high coverage with a second coat. Since I started to use a combination of Essence The Gel base coat and top coat, my manicures last for few days and the duration time of Bourjois polishes together with Essence base and top coat was not an exception. 

7 Lycheersis a muted pink cream shade. I used two coats for these swatches. 

10 Beach Violet is a gorgeous dark purple shade, also applied in two coats.

Few days ago I made a nail art with both Bourjois polishes and white S-he Stylezone 115. I was inspired by amazing Tamit from Fall in Nail Love to do these poppy nails. 

One nail polish contains 10 ml. I'm really curious to check the whole collection in person, cream nail polish shades are my favourite and it's even better if they have good pigmented formula.

How do you like these two La Laque shades? Thank you for reading!

Ocena v slovenščini:
Ko lakoholičarka dobi priložnost, da testira nove lake, ki sploh še niso na voljo v trgovini, se tej priložnosti seveda ne more upreti. Tako so me pred dvema mesecema v nabiralniku pričakali novi Bourjois La Laque laki, ki jih odlikuje 12 pigmentiranih krem odtenkov z visokim sijajem in nova trikotna oblika stekleničke. V mojo zbirki sta se znašla dva odtenka, Lycheers in Beach Violet, po Tarini in Selmini objavi pa bo kmalu zagotovo pristal še kakšen več. 
Čeprav Bourjois laki niso najcenejši, sem bila vedno navdušenka, ker me je vedno prepričala formula. Tudi La Laque kolekcija ni izjema, saj jo odlikuje odlična formula, ki bo zagotovo všeč vsem lakoholičarkam. Čopič iz te kolekcije je okrogel s daljšimi ščetinami in čeprav so mi ploščati čopiči ljubši, mi tale ni povzročal težav pri nanosu. Tekstura laka je zelo gosta, vendar ne preveč, tako da se ga da lepo nanesti. Pri pazljivejšem nanosu je prekriven že z enim potegom, čeprav sem sama navajena, da vedno nanesem dva sloja. Posamezen sloj laka se je posušil dokaj hitro in odkar sem začela uporabljati kombinacijo Essence The Gel laka in podlaka, lahko nosim eno manikiro več dni, saj se lak na mojih ubogih nohtih ne okruši več po enem dnevu in tudi z Bourjois je bilo isto. Gostejša formula laka za nas nail art obsedenke pomeni tudi, da je lak primeren za pečatiranje in v tem obziru sta se oba odtenka odlično obnesla. 

Lycheers je zanimiv krem odtenek s pink podtonom, Beach Violet pa je temno vijoličen krem odtenek. Na swatchih sta oba nanesena v dveh slojih. Naredila sem tudi poseben nail art, za katerega sem dobila inspiracijo pri Tamit, ki piše blog Fall in Nail Love. Poleg obeh Bourjois lakov sem uporabila še S-he Stylezone 115.
Posamezen lak vsebuje 10 ml. Laka sta prekrasen dodatek moji zbirki in dejansko sem že precej radovedna, da preverim celotno stojalo v trgovini. 

Kako pa sta vam všeč za dva odtenka La Laque? Hvala za pozornost!
*PR product

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