Celebrating 6th Blogiversary with a Giveaway

I went through my blog, and the interesting thing I noticed is that I actually haven't celebrated my blogiversary with a giveaway until last year, which is a bit funny because this year my blog is celebrating not less than 6th blogiversary. It's crazy how long I blog because I usually get bored quite fast and I never do one thing longer than few months. Although I opened this blog as someone who didn't have much knowledge about beauty, I learned a lot through these six years. I'm not a beautician, I'm just someone who loves cosmetics and likes to share her experience with you.

I'm pretty sure that if I wouldn't start blogging I would never felt in love with makeup so much and I would probably never start doing my makeup as well as I know to do it at this point. Because of blogging I learned so much and because of blogging, I got a chance to meet amazing people, be on amazing events and also did few other amazing things. I can also say that I gained a lot of confidence because of my blog. I was always a very shy person, I never dared to talk with people I didn't know, but because of my blog, putting my face on the internet, events and - I can also say - my age that change and today I'm definitely more confident than I was few years ago. Gosh, I could ramble for hours and write a whole chapter about my feelings, but this post was not meant to be about me. I wanted to write it as a huge thank you to all of you who read and support my blog. Because of you, it still exists.

THANK YOU, dear readers, for your support, lovely comments, messages, questions, even if I don't always know how to help you, follow on social media, every message that says you were inspired by my work ... You're the reason I put hours and hours into one post and I still stick to blogging.

THANK YOU, dear Slovenian bloggers, for being such an amazingly supportive group of girls, your kindness, for everything I learned from you, for being such an inspiration. It's easier to blog when you can regularly talk to someone who understands you.

THANK YOU, dear sponsors, for noticing the hard work I put into this blog and for all the gifts you're sending me and giving me a chance to try new products, sometimes even before they hit the store. I'm really thankful to all of you who decided to collaborate with me.

And, of course, the biggest thank you goes to my boyfriend. Thank you for being so patient with me and for supporting my hobby, even if that means that I take an advantage of a sunny day for taking photos for the blog and not to spend it with you outside. Thank you for listening to my rambling about blog and makeup all the time, you're the best and I love you. 

At the beginning I planned to open a giveaway only for Slovenia, but that would mean my readers from other parts of Europe would be neglected, and I know I have quite a few readers that are not Slovenian, so I decided to open this giveaway to readers from all around the Europe. Two lucky winners will won a prize from Oriflame:
- The One makeup base
- Giordani Gold foundation
- The One Colour Unlimited eyeshadow
- The One LipSpa balm
- 2016 calendar

The giveaway will end on 22. 2. 2016, and after I'll contact both winners they will have 48 hours to answer my email or I'll choose another winner. To enter the giveaway fill the Rafflecopter form

Through a whole month of February, there will also be a special giveaway. One of the lovely commentators that will leave comments on my posts in February will win a special prize. I won't say what it is because it's a surprise for the reader. The commentator will be chosen through random.org. I also wanted to say that this post will not count for that special prize. 

Good luck to all!

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