Random Sunday #54

I decided to bring Random Sunday series back since a lot of you said on Facebook that you like to read non-beauty related posts. I will probably post them every two or three weeks, and not every week like in the past because I doubt I'll have enough photo material to share it with you (since I discovered Instagram and Snapchat, I mostly take a camera in my hands when I'm taking photos for my blog). Today's post will be a mix of few bits I photographed during last three weeks. 

It's been forever since I last did a creative makeup. The other day I decided to take the brushes in my hands and try to create something unwearable. This abstract makeup was the result. Always when I edit my makeup photos, I notice what I could change and do better/different. Does that happen to you as well?

I bought a black wig for one special look I have in mind to create, but I discovered that is too small (or short) for my head because I have too much hair that I can hardly hide under the wig. But ignoring that, I think that the black wig looks kind of good on me. It definitely does match the makeup nicely. 

Our little doggie Ris. I always love taking photos of him, but he hates it so much. So photos like the first one (he looking straight into the camera) are rare like diamonds. 

I bought a new camera (Nikon D3200) and to test it I took some random photos. The most beautiful were sky photos. I always enjoyed taking photos of sky and sunsets, they usually end up being so beautiful. Plus, other photos were so random that I really didn't want to include them in this post (I mean who would enjoy watching my photos of stones and leaves).

What would a Random Sunday's be without food? My current obsession is kebab pizza. I could literally eat this every day (but, of course, I don't). My second obsession is ice cream, which I forgot to photograph (maybe next time). 

 And for the end, I have a photo of a firework I took on New Year's Eve.

That's it for today. I'll try to make next Random Sunday post more interesting for you. :) Thank you for reading!

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