Three Easy Christmas Manicures with Three Polishes (Blogmas 2015)

December is here and that means a lot of Christmas inspired manicures. While there are many stamping plates with gorgeous Christmas and winter inspired designs, I kind of prefer free-hand nail art. While I was thinking what I should do for Blogmas, I came up with an idea to post three easy Christmas inspired manicures that everyone can do (at least I think that these are very easy to do). All you need is a bit of time and a thin brush (or a striping tape). All three manicures were made with three Oriflame shades that are perfect for this season. I mean, Christmas is all about green, red and gold, right? 

Red as a candy cane
The inspiration for the first idea was a candy cane. What’s easier to do than few lines. And don’t worry if your lines aren’t perfectly straight (mine also aren’t), because it’s all about having fun while creating something interesting. But if you want more clean lines, you can always use a striping tape, but I find it easier and quicker to finish if I use a thin brush. I decided to do stripes on all nails, but I think this would work amazing on an accent nail as well. 

Step 1: Protect your nails with a base coat. Then apply two coats of your base colour (I chose gold).
Step 2: With a thin brush draw few red stripes across your nails.
Step 3:Draw green lines between red ones.
Step 4:Wait few minutes that green and red polish dry and then seal your manicure with a top coat. 

Oriflame Passionate Red is a classic red shade from Giordani Gold collection. It has jelly finish and I used 3 coats for the swatches. After two coats the nail line is still visible, while third coat covers it a bit more. Otherwise formula didn’t cause me any problems by application, because it’s luckily not too watery. This is definitely a perfect red Christmas shade.

Golden as a Christmas present
Who doesn’t look forward to presents on Christmas? You can also wear them on nails, because they are quick and easy to do. I painted two random nails with red and others with green, but there are so many other possibilities, like every nail painted with a different shade, or all painted with the same shade, or only one painted with a different colour and updated with a design. 

Step 1: Protect your nails with a base coat. Then apply two coats of your base colour.
Step 2: Use a thin brush and a golden nail polish to draw a line vertically on your nail. Then repeat this step and do a line horizontally.
Step 3:Then draw two ovals and two small lines where both lines intersect.
Step 4: Apply a top coat to seal your manicure.

Oriflame Rose Diamondis a rose golden metallic shade. First coat applies a bit sheer, but nail polish covers the nail completely in two coats. 

Green as a Christmas tree
There are so many ideas out there for a Christmas tree manicure, but I chose one I haven’t done before and which I find very non-complicated. The same as by first manicure you can use a striping tape here as well, but manicure will be done faster without it. I made a tree on an accent nail and on another one I had to add another design to spice up the manicure a bit. It’s not really a Christmas sweater design, but it can be a regular sweater design. I painted my nails with different colours, but you can always use only one.

Step 1: Protect your nails with a base coat. Then apply two coats of your base colour (I chose golden shade).
Step 2: With a thin brush and a green nail polish draw two diagonal lines from the centre of your nail, and then fill the space between them, so that you get a triangle.
Step 3:When green polish dries a bit, draw few random golden lines over the triangle.
Step 4: Use a dotting tool and make a big red dot on the top of the triangle and then few smaller dots in the triangle.
Step 5:Apply a top coat to seal your manicure.

Step 1: Protect your nails with a base coat. Then apply two coats of your base colour (I chose gold shade).
Step 2:With a thin brush draw few red lines diagonally from left to right side and then repeat it inversely, so that you get a net on your nail.
Step 3:Fill random rhombs with red nail polish.
Step 4:Fill random rhombs with green nail polish.
Step 5: Apply a top coat to seal your manicure. 

Lush Ivy is a teal cream nail polish with amazing formula that glides on nails. I used two coats for the swatches. These kind of shades can often stain the nails, but this one luckily doesn’t. Teal isn’t really a typical Christmas shade, because for me a perfect green shade is a dark shimmery green, but Lush Ivy was actually quite a nice match for Rose Diamond and Passionate Red.

What do you think about my ideas? Will you recreate any of the manicures? If you like my nail art ideas, you're welcome to share them with your friends. Thank you for reading!
*PR products

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