FOTD: Spider Queen (Halloween Series)
Hi, beauties! Today I have another Halloween makeup look for you. While I'm crossing the looks I already made off the list I'm getting new and new ideas, so it's possible there will be more creative makeup looks posted in November, because I won't manage to post everything until Halloween. This time I have for you a look I call Spider Queen. It probably could be called something else, but that is as far as my creativity with naming looks goes. I don't remember anymore by whom I saw the look that inspired me to do spider webs on my face, but I know I was very impressed. I found spiders in Tedi and bought them immediately. Although I do wish that they would be smaller, because they were really heavy and during photo shooting I had a feeling they will fall down from my face. At the beginning I wanted to use red eyeshadow, but I already used red shade two times before for my Halloween looks (Queen of Hearts and Sugar Skull), so instead I decided for purple and I'm so happy I changed my mind, because I really love this purple look.
This time I didn't do a tutorial for this look. I actually didn't do any new technique, because I used most of those I already showed tutorials for by previous look. And also, tutorials for these looks take so much time. I usually take photos for these posts a whole forenoon, but this week I had some other things to do and I really didn’t have time to spend a whole morning taking photos.
I started with my regular foundation application and I filled my eyebrows with black eyeshadow. I had two reasons to use black for eyebrows. First is that I planned to use a lot of black for this look anyway and black eyebrows would be a better match, and the second is that I own a black wig with purple flocks of hair, which I wanted to use, but unfortunately I didn't really like the complete look with it.
For my eyes I didn't do anything complicated. I applied purple matte eyeshadow over the whole lid, black in crease, blended it out with purple on brow bone and I also used purple under my eyes. For highlighting the area under my brow and inner corner I used shimmery beige eyeshadow. Thick eyeliner and false lashes were a must for this look.
On my left side I applied eyeshadow on lower lash line normally; while on right I applied it lower on my dark circles. Here I used the same technique as for FallFairy look (harsh line on upper part of the eye, for which you can use tape, and harsh line on lower part of the eye). Then I draw a spider web in empty place between upper and lower eyeshadow. I started dragging lines from outer corner of my eye against the highest point of my cheeks. Every time I draw a web I used a clean brush and blended semicircles a bit to get more blended look of the webs. It looks so much prettier.
I took purple and I contoured the hollows of my cheeks on both sides and my forehead. I also applied purple on my neck. Then I draw another web on my left side. This one was bigger; I drew it on more than a half of my cheeks, because I glued a spider on it later. I draw another web on my neck, where I glued another spider. The third one I glued on the right side of my forehead, but I decided to skip the net there.
With the lip colour I actually had a problem, because I don't own any purple that would be similar to the purple on my eyes. So instead I used berry purple, which I applied all over the lips. Then I took black cream eyeshadow and outlined my lips with it. In the end I blended both shades together, applied a bit more lipstick, so that the black wouldn’t overwhelmed the look and that was it.
Products I used:
- Vichy Teint Ideal 15
- Oriflame The One Illuskin foundation Porcelain
- Bourjois Silk Edition Porcelain
- Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer Porcellain
- Lady Queen 20 Colour Professional palette
- NYX High Definiton eyeshadow primer- Lady Queen
- Sleek Ultra Mattes V2 palette
- Lady Queen 20 Colour Professional palette
- Sleek Storm palette
- Essence I Love Extreme waterproof mascara
- Toyoko longlasting eyeliner 508
- Lady Queen false lashes
- Catrice Plum&Base
- Catrice Lovely Lilac
- Imagic Professional Cosmetics palette 12 Flash Color Case
I should have known that the wig for 5 € from Tedi won't be anything special. The problem with it is that it doesn't look nicely in front, because the hair is covering the half of my face and that way the half of my makeup. Because makeup, the star, is less outstanding when the wig is on, I prefer it without the wig. But I like that the wig is black and it matches the brows and the whole look better than my brown hair. I should definitely get another, completely black wig for this look.
What do you think about this look? If you like it you can share it with your readers and followers on social media. Thank you for reading!
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