31 Day Nail Art Challenge: Day 21 - Day 31
The 31 day nail art challenge is finally over. I have to admit I was already tired of it, because the last section "inspired by" wasn't really inspirational to me this year.
Day 21: Inspired by colour
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Bourjois Only Bluuuue
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Bourjois Only Bluuuue
Day 22: Inspired by a song
- Essie Sand Tropez
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Essence Styled for Red Carpet
- Essie Sole Mate
- Essence Black is Back
Day 23: Inspired by a movie
- Essence Fall for You
- tempera painting
- Essie Sand Tropez
- Bourjois Turquoise Block
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Essence Cherry Cherry Girl
- Essence Only Bluuuue
- Essence Indian Summer
- Essence Amazed by You
Day 24: Inspired by a book
- Oriflame Sundance
- China Glaze Mahogany Magic
- Essence Love is in the Air
Day 25: Inspired by fashion
- Essence Black Out
- Essence Indian Summer
- Essence Makes Me Weak
- Essence Like Leo's Pilot Jacket
- S-he Stylezone 314
Day 26: Inspired by a pattern
- Essie Sand Tropez
- Bourjois Only Bluuuue
- Essence Black is Back
- Essence Indian Summer
Day 27: Inspired by artwork
- Essie Sand Tropez
- Oriflame Sundance
- Essence Cherry Cherry Girl
- Essence Black is Back
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Barry M Blood Orange
- Essence Indigo To Go
- Essence Make Me Weak
Day 28: Inspired by a flag
- Essence Crew First
- Misslyn True White
- Bourjois Only Bluuuue
- Barry M Orange Blood
- Essence Styled for Red Carpet
Day 20: Inspired by supernatural
- Essene Crew First
- Essie Sole Mate
- black tempera painting
Day 30: Inspired by a tutorial
Lucy's Stash inspired
- Models Own Copacabana
- Essence Amazed by You
Day 31: Honor nails you like
Chalkboard inspired
- Essence Black is Back
- Oriflame Sundance
- Essence Cherry Cherry Girl
- Essence Love is in the Air
- Essie Sole Mate
And for the end a group photo of all manicures I did. It's really hard to decided which manicures I like the best, because this year I'm proud on many of them and if I'd start telling you which ones are my favourites there would probably be more than a half of them on the list. But you can of course share with me, which ones you like the best. They are in the order as I was doing them.
Thank you for reading!
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