NOTD: Fall Leaves (Coollaboration with Nail 2 Express)
Danes imam za vas prav posebno jesensko objavo, ki je nastala v sodelovanju z izjemno in nadarjeno slovensko nail blogerko Katjo, ki ustvarja blog Nail 2 Express. Ko me je Katja povabila k sodelovanju, nisem niti za hip oklevala, saj obožujem sodelovanja s slovenskimi blogerkami, ker se mi zdi, da nas še bolj povežejo, poleg tega pa si kot velika oboževalka Katjinega bloga štejem njeno povabilo v čast. Ker že vse diši po jeseni pa še prvi jesenski dan je danes, sva se dogovorili, da vsaka od naju ustvari manikiro na temo jeseni.
Fall is just around the corner, and I’m bringing fall coloured posts on my blog as well, starting with today’s post that is collaboration with amazing Slovenian nail blogger Katja from Nail 2 Express. I’m really honoured that she invited me to collaborate with her, because I’m a huge fan of her blog. Since she is a nail blogger, we decided that each of us will do a manicure, inspired by fall.
Ker sem sama trenutno z mislimi čisto v 31 dnevnem nail art izzivu, je odločitev takoj padla na štempljanje, katerega mojstrica je tudi Katja. Motiv prepletenih jesenskih listov, ki jih vsebuje Born Pretty Store paleta Qgirl-013, je odličen pokazatelj jeseni. Na sredinec in prstanec sem nanesla dva sloja Essence Crew First, prekrasnega nude laka, ki mi je služil kot podlaga za nail art. Na ostale nohte sem najprej nanesla dva sloja lakaEssie Bahama Mama, ki je popoln jesenski odtenek. Čez njega sem slojila lak Beyu 209, ki s svojim šimrom daje celotni manikiri poseben sijaj.
My thoughts are currently completely in 31 day challenge, so I decided that I’ll do stamping and not a free-hand manicure here, because it’s going to be faster that way. I don’t have many plates that would have fall motive, but Born Pretty Store plate Qgirl-013 has a gorgeous leaves design that I decided to use for this manicure. On my ring and middle finger I first applied Essence Crew First, which is a nude polish and was my base for nail art. On other nails I used 2 coats of Essie Bahama Mama, a perfect fall nail polish shade, and then I layered Beyu 209 over it to give it more sparkle.
Na prstancu in sredincu sem pred štempljanjem naredila tehniko, ki se v angleščini imenuje »dry brush technique«. To pomeni, da lak s čopiča skorajda popolnoma odstraniš, nato pa tisto minimalno količino, ki ostane na čopiču, naneseš na noht. Laki, ki sem jih uporabila za to tehniko, so Coral Marsala Collection 08, Essence Copper Rulez, Manhattan 29Z in Catrice Lost in Mud. Za štempljanje sem uporabila odtenek Essie Bahama Mama, s katerim sem barvno povezala celotno manikiro.
I made a dry brush technique on Essence polish, which I actually did for the first time and I was really happy with the result. This technique is very easy – wipe off most of the polish from the brush and what does left apply on your nails randomly. Polishes I used here are Coral Marsala Collection 08, Essence Copper Rulez, Manhattan 29Z and Catrice Lost in Mud. For stamping I used Essie Bahama Mama.
Nikar ne pozabite pogledati Katjine čudovite manikire, ki jo je objavila tukaj, in ko boste že na njenem blogu, ne pozabite klikniti gumna »spremljaj«, saj vas bo vedno znova navduševala s prečudovitimi manikirami.
Don’t forget to check Katja’s manicure here and while you’re there definitely click follow button, if you don’t follow her yet, because I can guarantee you that you will be amazed by her manicures.
Kako vam je všeč moja jesensko obarvana manikira? Hvala za pozornost!
How do you like my fall inspired manicure? Thank you for reading!
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