Review and Swatches: MeMeMe Satin Lip Cream Cherub Blush/Gaia
It's been a while since I last wrote about MeMeMe products that I got a while ago and think I tested them long enough to tell you more about them. Unfortunately I'm staring with a product that didn't really convince me. I’m talking about the lipstick Cherub Blush.
I really like the concept of satin lip creams. Brand MeMeMe was inspired by Ancient Greek and each satin lip cream is named after one of Greek’s goddess. Cherub Blush is also named Gaia, who was the Earth Mother and also a mother of Greek gods, Titans and Giants. Lipstick comes packed in a beautiful black cardboard packaging – in front there are both names of lipstick, on one side there’s a picture of Greek goddess Gaia, on other is the description who Gaia was and in the back there’s ingredient list (click here). Writing and the top and the bottom of the packaging are in the shade of the lipstick. The black matte packaging of the lipstick itself is also very pretty and fancy looking. Lip cream, as MeMeMe calls them, aka lipstick, as I call it, should be long lasting and is enriched with Shea Butter and Vitamin E.
The lipstick has creamy, non-sticky formula that glides easy on lips, but unfortunately the shade is not very fortunate. It's a bright brown nude shiny lipstick that many people won't like and it also won't look good on everyone. It quite depends from the skin tone you have. I personally have to say I'm quite lucky that it doesn't look horrible on me, it actually suits me quite well (especially now when I’m tanned), but unfortunately it's a sandy brown shadethat isn't really by my taste. What bothers me even more about this lipstick is the smell. It's a strange earthly scent. Beside that this lipstick has a bit funny taste, too. The unusual scent doesn’t bother me much as long as it’s not strong, but unfortunately here the scent is just too strong. Around 20 minutes after the application the scent isn’t noticeable as much, but the taste stays. I’m really sad because of the taste and scent, because the formula of this lipstick is very pleasant to wear and it doesn’t dry the lips. The lipstick also has a nice colour payoff, because it covers the lips with one swipe. I sometimes use it when I do bolder looks, and if I wear it I usually stay at home. The scent just bothers me too much to wear it regularly. I also noticed that it lasts a bit longer than my other nude lipsticks, although I can’t say that the duration time is amazing. As far it goes for drinking and eating, this lipstick won’t survive either of them.
I compared it to few of my nude shades and as you can see it‘s a unique shade. Other nude shades have more pink or red undertone than Cherub Blush and that’s probably the reason why they suit more people.
I could forgive a bit unusual shade to this lipstick if there wouldn’t be the strange annoying scent and the taste that comes with it. I can’t recommend you this lipstick, because I doubt you’re going to like it. However, Sanja says that other lipstick shades from MeMeMe are much better and I really trust her words, so I definitely wouldn’t mind checking other shades. She said that the other lipstick that she owns has quite a pleasant scent, but since few of us bloggers noticed a strange scent by Cherub Blush shade I guess there’s something wrong with this particular shade. I’d say skip this one, after all it costs 13,67 € on Moja drogerija (£8.95 on MeMeMe site), which is not so little, and rather try any other shade.
Have you tried MeMeMe Satin Lip Cream lipsticks? How do you like them? Thank you for reading!
Ocena v slovenščini:
Že nekaj časa je minilo, odkar sem nazadnje pisala o MeMeMe izdelkih, ki sem jih prejela pred nekaj meseci in po tako dolgem času sem jih res dodobra stesitrala, tako da se poročanje o izdelkih lahko nadaljuje in počasi zaključi. Danes bom pisala o izdelku, ki mi je bil v samem paketu najmanj všeč, in sicer govorim o šminki Cherub Blush.
Koncept, ki stoji za samo linijo šmink Satin Lip Cream, mi je zelo všeč, saj je znamka MeMeMe dobila inspiracijo pri antičnih Grkih, ki so mi bili vedno ljub del zgodovine (čeprav izpit pa ni bil eden najprijetnejših). Vsaka šminka iz te linije nosi ime po eni izmed antičnih boginj. Tako se Cherub Blush imenuje tudi po Gaji oz. Gei, ki je bila boginja zemlje. Šminka je prispela v prekrasnem črnem kartonastem pakiranju, ki ima spredaj zapisani obe imeni, na eni strani sliko boginje, na drugi pojasnilo, kdo je bila Gaja in na zadnji strani seznam sestavin. Prestižen videz daje šminki črno mat pakiranje z antičnimi vzorci na dnu, ki je narejeno kvalitetno, brez možnosti hitrega zloma. Zaradi kremaste teksture so šminke v angleščini poimenovane »lip creams«, vsebujejo pavitamin E in karitejevo maslo.
Kremasta tekstura šminke je nelepljiva in med nanosom kar spolzi po ustnicah, na žalost pa sam odtenek ni najbolj posrečen. Gre za precej unikaten mivkasto-rjav nude odtenek, ki pa na žalost ne bo všeč vsem dekletom. Sama moram reči, da imam kar srečo, verjetno tudi zaradi mojega podtona, da mi odtenek kar pristoji, pri drugih slovenskih blogerkah pa boste lahko prebrali, da vse z odtenkom niso najbolj zadovoljne. Tudi sama moram reči, da mi sam odtenek ni najljubši, saj imam raje nude odtenke, ki imajo bolj roza ali rdeč podton. Cherub Blush sem primerjala z ostalimi nude odtenki v moji zbirki in dejansko gre za poseben, unikaten odtenek, saj nimam še nič podobnega, mi pa zaradi peščenega odtenka ni najbolj pri srcu. Sam odtenek me pa sploh ne bi motil, če ta šminka ne bi imela druge pomanjkljivosti, in sicer zelo močnega vonja po starem. Vonj je žal precej moteč, v paketu z njim pa prihaja tudi čuden okus, ki ga v ustih čutim ves čas, ko nosim to šminko. Sicer jo nekaj časa po nanosu na ustnice neham vohati, ampak okus žal ostane. Zelo mi je žal zaradi vonja in okusa, saj je formula prijetna, lahka in ne izsušuje ustnic, pa tudi sama pigmentacija odtenka je zelo dobra. Opazila sem tudi, da je obstojnost šminke malce boljša kot pri mojih ostalih nude odtenkih, vendar pa vseeno ne morem reči, da gre za nekaj presežnega. Šminka se med pitjem prenaša na kozarec in med obrokom izgine z ustnic.
Če bi bila šminka popolna v vseh ozirih, bi ji oprostila bež podton odtenka, vendar pa sta vonj in okus preveč moteča, da bi lahko rekla, da je šminka vredna 13,67 €, kolikor stane v Moji drogeriji. Slovenska blogerka Sanja, katere trditvam zelo zaupam, pravi, da so drugi odtenki boljši in da druga šminka iz te linije, ki jo ima, prijetno diši. Verjetno je šlo kaj narobe pri tem odtenku, saj nas je večina blogerk opazila čuden, neprijeten vonj. Sama bi rekla, da se temu odtenku izognite in izberite raje katerega izmed ostalih devetih, če vas zanimajo šminke Satin Lip Cream.
Ste že preizkusile linijo Satin Lip Cream? Kaj menite o teh šminkah, katere odtenke bi mi priporočale? Hvala za pozornost!
*PR product
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