Review and Swatches: Sleek New Skin Revive Tester Kit Light
Živjo, punce! Že večkrat sem razmišljala o nakupu kakega Sleek pudra, ki bi ga prav z veseljem preizkusila, sploh, ker sem nad njihovimi paletami navdušena in verjamem, da so tudi pudri enako dobri. Vendar pa je nakup pudra prek interneta zelo tvegana zadeva, sploh zame, ki sem bolj svetle polti in redko najdem ujemajoč odtenek. Ko nam je tokrat Anja ponudila popust na nakup pudov, sem se takoj odločila preizkusiti set testerjev Sleek New Skin Revive tekočih pudrov. Preden začnem z oceno, naj povem, da bo to bolj kot detaljna ocena po nekaj dnevni/tedenski uporabi prvi vtis, sploh, ker sem puder testirala doma, brez da bi šla kam ven in ga stestirala npr. kako se obnese na soncu (kasneje boste izvedele razlog, zakaj).
Hi, girls! Today I'll review a tester kit of Sleek New Skin Revive foundation. I always wanted to try their fundations, because I was corious, if they're so good quality as their palettes, but buying foundation online can be tricky, specially because I'm more pale and I hardly find foundation, that would match my skin, so these tester kits are perfect to try them our first and then buy the shade, that matches your skin. I only tried testers, so this will be more first impression post than a proper review after longer testing period.
Hi, girls! Today I'll review a tester kit of Sleek New Skin Revive foundation. I always wanted to try their fundations, because I was corious, if they're so good quality as their palettes, but buying foundation online can be tricky, specially because I'm more pale and I hardly find foundation, that would match my skin, so these tester kits are perfect to try them our first and then buy the shade, that matches your skin. I only tried testers, so this will be more first impression post than a proper review after longer testing period.
V tem setu je na voljo 5 odtenkov Sleek New Revive Skin pudra, in sicer Barley, Sand, Calico, Bamboo in Fudge. Ne sledijo si od najsvetlejšega odtenka do najtemnejšega, nekako imam občutek, da so bolj naključno razporejeni (Barley je temnejši kot Sand). En tester vsebuje 2 ml, kar je dovolj za večkratno uporabo. Taki seti se zdijo meni odlični, saj lahko doma na naravni svetlobi preizkusite puder in ugotovite, kateri odtenek vam najbolj ustreza. Ima pa ta set tudi slabo stran - če ste bolj svetle polti, kot jaz, vam bodo ti odtenki pretemni. Meni najbližje je npr. odtenek Sand, ki pa mi je tudi sedaj, ko imam malce temnejšo barvo na obrazu, pretemen, kar pomeni, da mi bo čez par mesecev, ko bom to barvo izgubila, še manj ustrezal. Najsvetlejši odtenek je Shell. Škoda, da tega ni bilo v setu, ker bi ga prav z veseljem rada preizkusila, da bi ugotovila, če bi mi sedaj ali pa še bolje potem, ko izgubim barvo, ustrezal.
In this kit there were 5 shades: Barley, Sand, Calico, Bamboo and Fudge. Tester of one shade contains 2 ml, but that's enough to try it more than once. I think this kit is perfect, because you can try foundation at home and see, how it looks on a natural light and that way you can easier find proper shade, that will match your skin tone. Unfortunatelly in this kit are pretty dark shades. The closest to me is Sand shade, but even this one is too dark and at the moment I'm tanned, so in winter, when I'll loose color and become more pale, I'll need even lighter shade. There is a lighter shade Shell and to bad, that it wasn't available in this set, because I would like to try it too see, if it will match my skin tone now or in winter.
In this kit there were 5 shades: Barley, Sand, Calico, Bamboo and Fudge. Tester of one shade contains 2 ml, but that's enough to try it more than once. I think this kit is perfect, because you can try foundation at home and see, how it looks on a natural light and that way you can easier find proper shade, that will match your skin tone. Unfortunatelly in this kit are pretty dark shades. The closest to me is Sand shade, but even this one is too dark and at the moment I'm tanned, so in winter, when I'll loose color and become more pale, I'll need even lighter shade. There is a lighter shade Shell and to bad, that it wasn't available in this set, because I would like to try it too see, if it will match my skin tone now or in winter.
Prekrivnost teh pudrov je srednja in se ne posuši čisto mat, meni se je zdelo, da daje moji koži rahel sijaj. Moja koža je normalna, problem imam le z rdečico okoli nosu in tu in tam le kakim madežem, tako da mi tekstura in prekrivnost zelo dobro ustrezata, saj puder lepo izenači polt in moja koža je izgledala po nanosu precej naravno. Puder se zelo lahko nanaša, čopič ga lepo zblenda po koži in lahko se ga nanese tudi v več slojih in bo še vedno krasno izgledal. Nekateri pudri/BB kreme rade poudarjajo suhe dele kože (pri meni je tak del nos), ampak pri tem pudru tega nisem opazila. Na meni je bil obstojen nekje 6 ur, nisem pa uporabila pudra v prahu.
The coverage of this foundation is medium, but it's buildable. It doesn't dry completely matt, it gave my skin a light glow. I have normal skin, no blemishes or anything, so I don't even need a full coverage, light to medium is enough to me. This foundation even out my skin tone and I didn't notice, that it would emphasize my dry skin around nose (as some other foundations/BB cream do). On me it lasted around 6 hours, without usage of mattfying powder.
The coverage of this foundation is medium, but it's buildable. It doesn't dry completely matt, it gave my skin a light glow. I have normal skin, no blemishes or anything, so I don't even need a full coverage, light to medium is enough to me. This foundation even out my skin tone and I didn't notice, that it would emphasize my dry skin around nose (as some other foundations/BB cream do). On me it lasted around 6 hours, without usage of mattfying powder.
Sleek New Skin Revive Barley, Sand, Calico, Bamboo, Fudge. |
Primerjava med mojo kožo pred nanosom pudra in potem po nanosu pudra. Upam, da je razlika vidna, ker sem vsako fotografijo posnela ob različnih dneh in ob različni uri, posledično pa ob različni svetlobi. Na levi fotki imam rahlo obarvana usta, ker sem testirala nove Essence šminke (ocena zelo kmalu) in je ostal stain na njih. Na desni fotki nosim le balzam na ustih. Kot sem že prej napisala, je moja koža normalna in brez večjih madežev, tako da mi puder odlično ustreza, saj kožo lepo izenači.
A comparison of my skin without and with Sleek foundation. I make both photos on a different day on different light, so I hope that the difference is visible. As a said, I don't have problems with blemishes and foundation evens out my skin tone perfectly.
A comparison of my skin without and with Sleek foundation. I make both photos on a different day on different light, so I hope that the difference is visible. As a said, I don't have problems with blemishes and foundation evens out my skin tone perfectly.
Za dodatek še ena fotka celega obraza.
And one photo of my full face, wearing only foundation, lip balm and mascara.
And one photo of my full face, wearing only foundation, lip balm and mascara.
Na hitro sem naredila primerjavo z Deborah BB kremo v odtenku Fair in Bourjois Healthy Mix pudrom v odtenku Vanille. Bolj kot vse drugo me je zanimala primerjava odtenkov. Prav presenetilo me je, kako so različni. Vanille odtenek nosim pozimi in je odličen za mojo polt. Deborah BB kremo nosim sedaj poleti, ko sem malce zagorela in moram priznati, da ko ga zblendam, mi odtenek ustreza, čeprav izgleda bolj podoben Sleek Barley odtenku, le malce svetlejši, kar je zanimivo, saj mi Barley ne ustreza.
I made a comparison between Deborah BB cream Fair, Sleek New Revive Skin Sand and Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation Vanille. I was wondering, how close shades are. I wear Bourjois during winter and it's perfect shade for my skin tone. I wear Deborah BB cream in summer, when I get tan and the shade suits me weel then. If the lighter Sleek shade Sheel is similar to Vanille, it would probably suit me better.
I made a comparison between Deborah BB cream Fair, Sleek New Revive Skin Sand and Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation Vanille. I was wondering, how close shades are. I wear Bourjois during winter and it's perfect shade for my skin tone. I wear Deborah BB cream in summer, when I get tan and the shade suits me weel then. If the lighter Sleek shade Sheel is similar to Vanille, it would probably suit me better.
Sleek ima kar 30 odtenkov New Skin Revive podra in kar 5 odtenkov je svetlejših od Sand odtenka. Pri nas so v Moji drogeriji na voljo 3 odtenki Sheel, Sand in Calico ter set testerjev. Cena za 30 ml je 14,29 €, kar se mi ne zdi drago (tudi Bourjois puder stane okrog 14 €).
Dodatek: Hvala Nuši, ki je me spomnila, da nisem omenila, da se da ta set testerjev kupiti v Moji drogeriji, in sicer stane 2,63 €. Če bi rade preizkusile Sleek pudre, definitivno priporočam nakup testerjev, da vidite, kateri odtenek vam najbolj ustreza. Drugače pa je na uradni spletni strani Sleek na voljo 6 takih setov.
Sleek has 30 shades in New Skin Revive collection and by us in Moja drogerija there are 3 shades available: Shell, Sand and Calico. The price in Moja drogerija is 14,29 € for 30 ml.
Edit: Thanks to Nuša, who's comment reminded me, that I forgot to mention, that this kit is available on Moja drogerija for 2,63 €. On Sleek official site there are 6 kits, from lightest shades to darkest.
Dodatek: Hvala Nuši, ki je me spomnila, da nisem omenila, da se da ta set testerjev kupiti v Moji drogeriji, in sicer stane 2,63 €. Če bi rade preizkusile Sleek pudre, definitivno priporočam nakup testerjev, da vidite, kateri odtenek vam najbolj ustreza. Drugače pa je na uradni spletni strani Sleek na voljo 6 takih setov.
Sleek has 30 shades in New Skin Revive collection and by us in Moja drogerija there are 3 shades available: Shell, Sand and Calico. The price in Moja drogerija is 14,29 € for 30 ml.
Edit: Thanks to Nuša, who's comment reminded me, that I forgot to mention, that this kit is available on Moja drogerija for 2,63 €. On Sleek official site there are 6 kits, from lightest shades to darkest.
Ste že preizkusile Sleek New Skin Revive puder? Kaj menite o njem? Hvala za pozornost!
Have you tried Sleek New Skin Revive foundation? What do you think about it? Thank you for reading!
*Tale izdelek sem prejela v oceno od spletne trgovine Moja drogerija.
*I got this product for a review purposes.
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