My Top 10 Summer Nail Polishes

Hi, girls! In my previous post I promised you a post with my 10 favourite nail polishes for summer (better late than never, right? :D), but last few days I felt so bad, that I didn't had any energy to write this post, but here it is today (this is probably only post in My top (10) series, that won't be published on Wednesday).

Choosing only 10 polishes was a really hard task, because I love them many many more, but I reduced my selection on 10 nail polishes, that I used the most alone or for nail art. Although I adore neons, I have only two neons in my favourites, because those two I was using the most. This summer was probably my favourite finish the sand one, I have three sand polishes in my favourites and I would probably have them more, if I wouldn't using some other polishes more. As you can see on photos, my summer was all about greens and blues, but these two colors are my favourite to wear all year around, so that's not surprising.

 A gorgeous navy blue shade, I was using it mostly for nail art (also as a base).

A bright blue shade, that I wore a lot alone and also used it a lot for nail art.

Probably my all time favourite polish, a royal blue shade with sand finish, that I wear every time, when I have no idea, what to put on my nails.

China Glaze Highlight of my Summer
I won this polish in a giveaway and it was a love at first painting. I love it even more that Ruby Kisses Tropical Green, which was my favourite neon green shade before I got this one. 

I was deciding between this one and Bourjois Turquoise Block, but I wore Barry M more, so I had to place it in my summer favourites. It's very pretty bright green shade, that I wore the most on my toes.

A mint shade with sand finish, that I wore a lot alone, it looks so pretty on nails.

This is my favourite yellow shade this summer, I wore it much more that I thought I will. When I wanted to use a yellow for nail art, I always reached for this shade.

 My second favourite yellow, I adore it because of its sand finish.

China Glaze Sun Worshiper
I can't believe, I still haven't swatch this polish, I adore it, my second favourite neon shade in my collection (what can I say, I love green more). It's a peachy shade and it looks even more amazing in person. I wear this one all year, not only in summer.

This one was a part of Essence Sun Club Bondi Beach TE 2 years ago, but this year I wore it a lot, because it's just a perfect vidid orange shade for summer.

What do you think about my selection? Which were your favourite summer nail polishes? Thank you for reading!

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