How To Make a Braided Bun

Hi, girls! Some time ago I showed you one of my go to summer hairstyles - a braided bun. Many of you asked me, how I do it, so I decided to film a video. I have very long hair, but I'm sure, it will work with a bit shorter hair too (it's probably enough, if braid goes around your bun once).

I was filming a video in my room, where I don't have a mirror, so I actually didn't had a clue, if I was doing it good or not. And I kinda always make my buns more on my left side, never right in the middle of my head.

I didn't mention in the video, but you'll need:
- 2 bigger hair elastics
- a hair doughnut
- 1 or 2 clear hair elasctics
- few hair pins

P. S. Ignore that yellow elastic on a back of my shirt, I forgot to cut it off. I didn't notice that until I didn't edit a video and I didn't want to re-film it, because I already out so much time in this one. :/

I hope you like this video and you'll try to do this bun yourself too. Thank you for reading!

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