Empty #6

Hi, girls! Today I have an empties post for you. I really should start doing these posts more often, because until I take photos for these posts, there is a whole bunch of products to photograph and throw away and also it takes me a lot of time to write one post. I think next time I'm doing this post, when I'll finish less than 10 products.

Balea Erfrichendes Gesicht Wasser
I was using this product to clean my makeup (except my eye makeup). It worked really good, but lately I started using L'Oreal miceral water and I like it more, so I probably won't buy Balea product again, although I was satisfied with it and I finished few bottles. 
Repurchase: Probably not.

Balea Shower Gels
These gels are my favourites. Beside amazing scents they don't dry my skin and they're very cheap, they cost only 0,90 €. I finished scents chocolate-fig and brazil mango. I already bought backups of both gels and also some others. I think I have a stock for few months.
Repurchase: Always.

Balea Raiser Gel
I think I already mentioned in my last empties post, that these are amazing. They always have interesting LE scents, but during the summer I was using the regular ones, because other scents were always sold out, when I was in DM. They don't irritate my skin or leave it red, which I love. 
Repurchase: Definitely.

Ombia Wet Wipes
These wet wipes are amazing. I was using them mostly while swatching to clean my dirty hands. They smelled nicely and they cleaned everything. I liked them, because they were big and thick (Ebelin wet wipes are pretty thin). Unfortunatelly these are limited edition, but Hoffer releases them every now and then. I'm not sure, how many wet wipes was in this packaging, because it doesn't say on the packaging, but they lasted me for a very long time.
Repurchase: Yes, when they'll be available again.

Balea Hand Lotions
Another Balea product, that I keep repurchasing. I finished smells Raspberry and Dark Glamour. I like these lotion, because they soak into skin very quickly, don't feel heavy and mousturize my skin.
Repurchase: Already did, but other scents.

You probably already heard a lot about this product. To me is great, it mousturizes my skin perfectly, doesn't feel heavy on my skin and one packaging lasts me quite some time.
Repurchase: Already did.

Very nice hand cream, that smells divine. I finished one packaging, but luckily I still have 2 more. 
Repurchase: I would, but it was LE. I still have 2 backups.

Balea Q10 Handcream
This was my go to cream, while I was still visiting classes. I wore it with me in my purse  everywhere I went. It's a bit heavier cream than Essence one or Bale lotions, but it soaks into skin quickly and it mousturizes them nicely. It doesn't left greasy feeling, that's why I loved to wear it with me. Now I'm mostly at home, where I'm using hand lotions, so I haven't repurchase it for a while now.
Repurchase: Maybe.

Ombia Care Cosmetics Pad
Nice pads, but not as good as others, I tried.
Repurchase: No.
Duchesse Cotton Pad
These are very nice cotton pads and I was using them to remove my polish and to clean my makeup, but now I discovered Ebelin cotton pads, which I like a tiny bit more, so I probably won't buy Duchesse again.
Repurchase: Probably not.

Balea Refreshing and Cleaning Wipes
I'm using these wibes mostly, when I go somewhere, if I need to refresh my face (and I don't wear makeup) or need to clean my hands. Otherwise they're also great for cleaning makeup, although they don't clean mascara nicely. 
Repurchase: Yes.

Duchesse Intimate Wipes
I liked these, they did their job nicely. 
Repurchase: Yes.

Duchese Cosmetics Sticks
These sticks have one side pointed and one flat. I'm using them for makeup (to clean mistakes) or cleaning nail polish, when I'm doing nail art.
Repurchase: Yes.

Essence 4in1 Nail File
I use this file to file my nails down and to smooth them. To me it works great and I'm always repurchasing it.
Repurchase: Yes.

This was my favourite cream eyeshadow, until it didn't dry. Well, I already have it for 2 years, so I'm not surprised. 
Repurchase: No.

Lip Smacker Coca Cola Vanille
Very good lip balm and beside the fact, that it mousturizes my lips, it smells divine.
Repurchase: Probably yes.

Essence Kiss Care Love Fruit Crush
Not bad lip balm, although I must admit, I prefer shades Purple Berries and Fruitylicious, to me they worked better.
Repurchase: No.

Montagne Jeunesse Masks
I tried 2 mask so far: Passion Peel Off and Schlam Maske and I liked them. They cleaned my skin nicely and they left it soft. I'm planning to write a longer review about these masks, I just don't know, when (I still have one to try out).
Repurchase: Maybe.

Have you tried any of products I used up? What do you think about them? Thank you for reading!

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