Illamasqua Wish List

Hi, everyone! Before I start, I have to tell you, that this is my 900th post. Wow, I wrote quite a lot posts in last 3,5 years, right? But now let's go to the post. Today I have for you my first wish list post. I haven't done any before, but many bloggers post them and they seem interesting to readers, so I hope, my readers will like it, too. I asked on Twitter, if you'd like to see my Illamasqua WL and quite few people were interested. I have Illamasqua on my WL, since it came in Slovenia, but the prices are pretty high, so I decided to bought me some products as a reward, when I graduate (which will be next year, because I can't apply for defense of my degree before Januar :(). But because I'll graduate next year, I will buy myself one product as a Christmas gift and while I was deciding, which one, I made an Illamasqua WL. I don't have many different products on my WL, because for the beginning I'm the most interested in powder blushes and lipsticks.

1. Illamasqua Powder Blusher (21,47 €)
Although I do like both creme and powder blushes, I prefer powder blushes a tiny bit more. Illamasqua has very interesting shades, but my favourite are Excite, Lover and Thrust. Excite is a vidid apricot shade, Lover is a soft apricot shade and Thrust a deep magenta pink shade. I think that one of these 3 blushes will be my first Illamasqua product. But I also like Hussy shade, so maybe I'll take Lover&Hussy duo blush instead of Lover alone.

I have this product on my WL, since I saw this video of Variola Vera, how she use it. Hollow is a toffee shade, as they say on Illamasqua site, and it's a multi-purpose product. It could be use for counturing, as an eyeshadow base and I really want to try it in the future to see, how it'll work for me.

Wisdom is described as "antiqued gold" on Illamasqua site and on many swatches it works as olive green shade with golden shimmer. It looks amazing and unique to me and I see myself wearing it every day. Because 21 € is quite a lot money for any eyeliner, please, let me know, if there's any cheaper eyeliner in similar shade.

Going through my collection of brushes I noticed I have only 2 blending brushes, so another one would be a nice addition. Judging from reviews this one does a great job.
I bet Illamasqua has great quality nail polishes, but telling the truth, many colors are not really unique and I can find similar shades for less money, specially for my nails, on which none polish lasts long. Fragile and Mottle are pretty unique shades, one blue and another mint with black glitter. But as it happens many times, there are also dupes for these 2 polishes. Flormar made a whole collection, called Black Dot and another dupe for Mottle showed Sandra on her blog. The polish is called Yes Love Speckled.

6. Illamasqua Lipstick (19, 68 €)
Another Illamasqua product, that I really want to try, because I've heard, that their lipsticks are very longlasting. At the moment I'm deciding between Eurydice (bright pink), Scandal (warm coral pink), Resist (deep rose pink) and Salacious (matt raspberry red). I would definitely try some more shades, but for the beginning I'm deciding between these four shades. Maybe I'll change my mind, when I'll swatch them in the store, but I really want to get a shade, that I'll wear a lot and it will look good on me.

Prices are from their website, I'm not sure, how much they cost by us, because I haven't had a chance to check their stand yet.

Have you tried Illamasqua products before? If yes, which ones do you recommend? If not, what do you have on your WL? Thank you for reading!

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